
Friday, February 19, 2021

The Two Towers // Book 3, Chapter 7 // Helm's Deep

Well, this chapter is just a whole heap o' excitement, isn't it?

The friendship between Gimli and Legolas is firmly cemented and really hitting its stride -- I love the rivalry between them and when they get separated how Legolas is honestly concerned for Gimli's safety and covers it with his whole quip of wanting to boast about his current orc tally.

And then there's the development with Aragorn and Eomer too, now finally drawing sword together. I don't think I'd noticed before how quickly the bond of loyalty grows between them. But that's the whole idea behind being brothers-in-arms. Mettle is tested and after you've been through a night like that together you pretty much know where you're at. Great deeds lie right before you and small talk is dispensed with. 

Finally we have the last charge:

"And with that shout the king came. His horse was white as snow, golden was his shield, and his spear was long. At his right hand was Aragorn, Elendil's heir, behind him rode the lords of the House of Eorl the Young. Light sprang in the sky. Night departed."

And then the entire thing just rolls and swells, tingling and throbbing. Legends forming right before our eyes. <3



  • "...behind us comes a very storm of Mordor,' said Gandalf."
  • "He that flies counts every foeman twice..."
  • "This is more to my liking,' said the dwarf, stamping on the stones. 'Ever my heart rises as we draw near the mountains."
  • "...oft the unbidden guest makes the best company."
  • "Dawn is not far off,' said Gamling, who had now climbed up beside him. 'But dawn will not help us I fear.' 'Yet dawn is ever the hope of men,' said Aragorn."


For thought:

  • Do you have a favorite moment in this chapter? And in need, which would come handier to you -- a sword, bow, or axe?

1 comment:

  1. I would prefer a bow to a sword or an axe.

    This whole chapter is awesome, but the part when Gandalf returns with the rising sun gives me goosebumps. Even now, just remembering it as I type. So wonderful.


Would love to have your thoughts! Just please keep it respectful and civil. Also, if someone else has left a comment you’d like to reply to -- feel free!