#1: I'm thinking we'll try to do about three chapters a week, in which case we might be finished around the end of February. (If that sounds like way too much let me know, but also, if you get behind, don't worry...there's no stringent test at the end!)
#2: Since it's a classic, I'll be assuming the story's already familiar to everyone at some level (either through one of the films or from previous reading), so there may be occasional future references/spoilers.
#3: In case you're interested, here's a link to a book review I did for Persuasion last summer. And (I know it's not everyone's cup of tea), but here's one for my review of the '07 film as well (if you scroll to the bottom of it there are a few more general notes on the story itself).
Do enjoy and looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!