Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Quick FYI

Hi friends! I've missed chatting the last few days and so sorry as you're probably all wondering what's up, so just wanted to quickly touch base.

In short, some heavy life things happened recently (don't worry, we're all well here) so I've been processing some roller coaster emotions, and I also had some commitments on my other blog that I'd scheduled to work on quite a while ago, plus as you all know we're on (I think) the longest chapter of the entire trilogy, so yeah, it kind of turned into the perfect storm as far as keeping up with my posting schedule. I've been thinking about all you lovely LOTR friends often though and I'm very very much hoping to get the next chapter up asap. I can't wait to keep catching up on comments and our further discussion.

Hope all is well with you this evening and Happy Thanksgiving! 🧡


  1. I'm sorry things have been practically & emotionally hectic for you lately! I understand the feeling & hope things settle down for you soon. <3

  2. Don't worry! Life got crazy busy for me right around that same time and I've been in the Council of Elrond for several weeks. I hope things are looking up for you by now! ::hugs::


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