Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Fellowship of the Ring // Book 2, Chapter 7 // The Mirror of Galadriel

Well! Obviously my posting plan didn't pan out as intended, so we'll just forget about that. *face palm* Thank you so so much for your patience, dear fellow readers!


This is a dreamy chapter: both in the deep, golden peace and safety all round our weary travelers -- and then the whole mirror sequence, with its glimpses of uncertain doings in the outside world, most of them flashing like scenes in a nightmare.

I know this might cause an outcry, but I think this chapter is where I really start loving Master Samwise. Dear Sam.

And reading through the whole passage where Frodo and Sam are further processing the grief and loss of Gandalf, I realized how much I think LOTR shaped me during my growing up. I mean, I knew it, but I hadn't thought of it in this area before. It was in learning to see the depths, and the interrelation between dark and light threads. He's not laying it on heavy 'i.e. here's a lesson book to hand your children to learn how to deal with the heavy stuff'. He's just telling what is simple and deeply true. It's a personal thing, hard to describe, and I can't really go into it right now, but I'm very grateful and it's yet another reason to, yes, read Tolkien to your children.

We also see the thread yet again of how those who are truly wise and venerable are wise because they know how little they can really be sure of; they know how to weigh the balances, and every bit of their advice is tempered like the fine point of a steel blade because they have seen much and know all ways can lead to unexpected turnings -- going astray but also potentially very very aright.


  • "...the Dwarf, hearing the names given in his own ancient tongue, looked up and met her eyes; and it seemed to him that he looked suddenly into the heart of an enemy and saw there love and understanding. Wonder came into his face, and then he smiled in answer." 
  • "...not in vain will it prove, maybe, that you came to this land seeking aid, as Gandalf himself plainly purposed. For the Lord of the Galadhrim is accounted the wisest of the Elves of Middle-earth, and a giver of gifts beyond the power of kings."
  • "...even now there is hope left. I will not give you counsel, saying do this, or do that. For not in doing or contriving, nor in choosing between this course and another, can I avail; but only in knowing what was and is, and in part also what shall be. But this I will say to you: your Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while all the Company is true."
  • "...the Mirror shows many things, and not all have yet come to pass. Some never come to be, unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them." 
  • "Frodo bent his head. 'And what do you wish?' he said at last. 'That what should be shall be,' she answered. '...For the fate of Lothlorien you are not answerable, but only for the doing of your own task."
  • "She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illumined her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad."


For thought:

  • Sam says, "...I reckon there's Elves and Elves. They're all elvish enough, but they're not all the same. Now these folks aren't wanderers or homeless, and seem a bit nearer to the likes of us: they seem to belong here, more even than Hobbits do in the Shire. Whether they've made the land, or the land's made them, it's hard to say, if you take my meaning. ...If there's any magic about, it's right down deep, where I can't lay my hands on it, in a manner of speaking." It's an interesting comparison and not one I would have initially thought of. One similarity that does jump out at me is how both are very content dwelling within the confines of their own borders, protected and caring little what happens beyond its confines (though the elves do have long memories of the elder days, but I mean in the sense that they're little concerned with the doings of other folk). Can you think of any other similarities and/or dissimilarities?

  • I don't agree with everything (or rather, have to keep thinking on some points), but this easy to read essay on Celeborn is well worth a read, particularly if you've ever thought he comes across as weaker than his consort. So far I have to say it's revolutionizing my perception of his character. Here's the link. I'd definitely like to hear your thoughts on it! (The author also makes an interesting point on his and Galadriel's hair color, which I'd love to have your feedback on.)
  • Here's a beautiful, wistful, and lilting version of Frodo's Lament for Gandalf.


  1. I love this chapter! The Silvan Elves have long memories but they don't seem to have played a role in the famous events of the Elder Days, which probably makes them less intimidating to the Hobbits.

    That's a great essay! I read it years ago. Any further thoughts?

    I have been listening along with this podcast. Check it out if you get a chance:

    Episode 6 is about the Lothlorien chapters and it is probably my favorite so far.

    I wondered what Adamant was; the Encyclopedia of Arda has a brief definition here:

    and here is Wikipedia:

  2. I think people pay less attention to Celeborn cuz Galadriel gets more page time, what with the Mirror chapter and all. But Galadriel calls him "the wisest of the Elves of Middle-earth, and a giver of gifts beyond the power of kings" (p. 347 in my copy, from the next chapter). So I am not in a hurry to discount his importance.


Would love to have your thoughts! Just please keep it respectful and civil. Also, if someone else has left a comment you’d like to reply to -- feel free!